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converting generic list/object to JSON and JSON to list/Object using JavaScriptSerializer in .NET

By Ashok Nalam on 17 Dec 2012 | Category: C# | Tagged: JSON generics list conversion 
In this article we will see how to convert an .NET object or generic list to JSON and JSON to .NET object or list using JavaScriptSerializer class.
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JavaScriptSerializer provides serialization and deserialization functionality for AJAX based applications. Its basically serilize and deserilize the .NET objects to JSON Format.
JavaScriptSerializer is an inbuilt class from .NET framework class library under system.web.Script.serialization namespace(System.Web.Extensions.dll) and it is avalible from .NET 3.5 version onwards.

In the below example we will try to convert .NET object to JSON using JavaScriptSerializer.Serialize method and JSON to .NET object using JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize method.

Sample Program:

    public class Student
        public int RollNo { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Marks { get; set; }


class DotNETObject2JSON
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //creating sample student ojects
            Student obj1 = new Student { RollNo = 1, Name = "A", Marks = 10 };
            Student obj2 = new Student { RollNo = 2, Name = "B", Marks = 20 };
            Student obj3 = new Student { RollNo = 3, Name = "C", Marks = 30 };
            Student obj4 = new Student { RollNo = 4, Name = "D", Marks = 40 };

            //adding student objects to list
            List<Student> objStudentList = new List<Student>() { obj1, obj2, obj3, obj4 };

            System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer objJSSerializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();

            //Serialization .NET Object to JSON
            string strJSON = objJSSerializer.Serialize(objStudentList);

            //De-serialization JOSON to .NET Object to JSON
            List<Student> listStudent = objJSSerializer.Deserialize<List<Student>>(strJSON);

            //Serialization single student Object to JSON
            string strSingleStudentJSON = objJSSerializer.Serialize(obj1);

            //De-Seralization JOSON to single student Object
            Student listStudent0 = objJSSerializer.Deserialize<Student>(strSingleStudentJSON);



Serialization of list object is : [{"RollNo":1,"Name":"A","Marks":10},
Serialization of student object is: {"RollNo":1,"Name":"A","Marks":10}{"RollNo":1,"Name":"A","Marks":10}

De-Serialization output will be list<student> object and student object.


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