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converting generic list/object to JSON and JSON to list/Object using JavaScriptSerializer in .NET
Ashok Nalam
In this article we will see how to convert an .NET object or generic list to JSON and JSON to .NET object or list using JavaScriptSerializer class.
By: Ashok Nalam | 17 Dec 2012 | C# | Views: 52915 | Comments: 0 | Tags:conversion  generics  JSON  list 
JSON editor features with Visual Studio 2013
Ashok Nalam
Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 added new JSON editor(JSON file type) to Visual Studio. JSON editor features are colorization, JSON syntax validation, Outlining and Automatic brace completion.
By: Ashok Nalam | 03 Mar 2014 | Visual Studio | Views: 16142 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  JSON  visual studio 2013 
JSON Debugger Visualizer in Visual Studio 2013
Ashok Nalam
Microsoft has added "JSON Visualizer" to Visual Studio debugger With Visual Studio 2013 Update 2. This post shows different features of JSON Visualizer with sample C# example.
By: Ashok Nalam | 06 Mar 2014 | Visual Studio | Views: 12625 | Comments: 0 | Tags:.NET  JSON  visual studio 2013 
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