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Installing Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate

By Ashok Nalam on 11 Sep 2013 | Category: Visual Studio | Tagged: visual studio 2013 .NET 
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Visual Studio 2013 Release Candidate (VS2013RC) is announced on 9th September, 2013. It’s a ‘go-live’ release before virtual release of Visual Studio 2013. According to Microsoft announcement, Visual Studio 2013 main release could happen in November, 2013.

In this post I tried to guide you on installation of VS2013RC. 

Where to Download:

From the download link, I have downloaded Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 RC version. Once download is completed you can find exe (vs_ultimate.exe) file. Click on .EXE file -> automatically it downloads/installs VS2013 RC on your machine. The installation can be done on top of Visual studio 2013 preview or side-by-side with visual studio 2012.

Note: If you are developing windows store apps with VS2013RC you need to have Windows 8.1 RTM.


Below images are captured when setup process is going on. 







Done :)
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