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Synchronized Settings in Visual Studio 2013

By Ashok Nalam on 18 Nov 2013 | Category: Visual Studio | Tagged: .NET visual studio 2013 
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Previously it's very hard to sync your visual studio settings across multiple computers. For instance if you have some theme/development settings at office machine and if you want use same settings in home computer as well then all the setting you have to do manually.

But from Visual Studio 2013, your Visual Studio settings will be Synchronized across multiple machines by using same UserID to logon to Visual Studio Online. By default for the following categories of setting are Synchronized.
  • Appearances - Changes to theme, font size, foreground and background colors
    • Theme settings - settings on the Tools -> Options -> Environment ->  General -> Color Theme
    • Fonts and Colors - settings on the Tools -> Options -> Environment ->  Font and Colors
  • Environment Aliases - aliases for use in the command window. For more about command aliases you can find at
  • Keyboard Shortcuts - all short cuts from  Tools -> Options -> Environment ->  Keyboard
  • Start up - settings affecting start page display on the  Tools -> Options ->Environment ->  Startup
  • Text Editor - All settings under Tools -> Options -> Text Editor
If you want to modify the default Synchronized settings you can do at Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Synchronized Settings

Synchronized Settings in Visual Studio 2013
Fig: Synchronized Settings from Options window

Note: If you un-check any of settings from Synchronized settings those settings will not be Synchronized across machines and whatever the settings it has it will be specific to that machine.

Synchronized with Different Visual Studio Editions:
We can synchronize settings on machines that all have Express editions like  Ultimate, Premium, or Professional edition but not on machines that have a mix of Express and non-Express editions.
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