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Azure database for MySQL connector available for Logic Apps and Power Apps

By Ashok Nalam on 16 Mar 2023 | Category: Microsoft Azure | Tagged: azure database for MySQL Power Platform azure logic apps 
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Now, the Azure Database for MySQL connector is available for Logic Apps and Power Apps. With this connector, you can easily connect to My SQL database to do DML operations like Select, Insert, Update, and Delete rows from Microsoft Power Apps, Azure Logic Apps, and Microsoft Power Automate. These Operations are very required for your day-to-day business applications to interact with data in MySQL.

My SQL is an open-source relational database management system and it is widely used for small and large-scale applications.

Azure database for MySQL is a scalable, open-source MySQL database on Azure as a service. It’s cost-effective, easy to set up, and a highly available service on Azure. 

Microsoft Power Apps is a low-code development platform to create applications in Web and Mobile. You can use MySQL as the backend with this connector in your application.

Azure Logic Apps is a cloud-based serverless workload to create and run automated workflows that can easily integrate your apps, data, and systems. In this case, you can use MySQL connector to get data from MySQL database.


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