Simple Interest - Quickest method to calculate the interest on a loan. Simple Interest is calculated by multiplying the Interest Rate by the Principal by the Number of Periods.
Simple Interest(SI) = P * I * N
P - Loan amount
I - Interest Rate
N - Duration of Loan Period
namespace DotNetMirror
class SimpleInterestClass
static void Main()
double P, R, SI,N, finalAmount;
Console.Write("Enter Principal(Loan Amount) : ");
P = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter Time Period(Years) : ");
N = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
Console.Write("Enter Rate Of Interest(%) : ");
R = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
SI = P * N * (R / 100); //formula
finalAmount = P + SI;
Console.WriteLine("Interest earned : {0}", SI);
Console.WriteLine("Final amount after interest : {0}", finalAmount);
Enter Principal(Loan Amount) : 2000
Enter Time Period(Years) : 2
Enter Rate Of Interest(%) : 12
Interest earned : 480
Final amount after interest : 2480
Note: Simple Interest does not calculate based on compounding. Interest amount will be always on Principal, so Interest on Interest is not included. Simple Interest will be useful for Short Term periods.