.NET CoreCLR is Open Sourced
.NET Core RunTime(CoreCLR) as an open source project on GitHub..NET Core is part of ASP.NET 5 and subset of .NET framework which includes includes RyuJIT, the .NET GC, native interop and many other .NET runtime components.
Dotnet codeformatter released to GitHub
Microsoft has released codeformatter on GitHub. This tool uses Roslyn which can be used to format C# project code automatically as per guidelines. With the source code format we will have better readability and maintainability of a code.
How to deploy your Web App using Github Actions on Azure App Service
We will deploy the Web application using Github Actions on Azure App Service. Let us create a sample ASP.NET Core Razor web application and deploy to Azure app service using Github Actions. Also, subsequent code check-ins are going to deploy using Github Actions from Continuous deployment.