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EOMONTH() function in SQL Server 2012
Ashok Nalam
EOMONTH is new built-in Date and Time function which is introduced with SQL Server 2012.We will see EOMONTH usage with examples and EOMONTH() Equivalent in SQL Server 2008 R2 and below.
By: Ashok Nalam | 24 Sep 2013 | SQL Server | Views: 12049 | Comments: 2 | Tags:SQL Server 2012 
install AdventureWorksDW Database on SQL Server2012
Ashok Nalam
By: Ashok Nalam | 25 Nov 2013 | SQL Server | Views: 17462 | Comments: 2 | Tags:database  SQL Server 2012 
CONCAT() string function in SQL Server 2012
Ashok Nalam
Article shows how to use CONCAT() function which is introduced with SQL Server 2012 version and also covers different features of it.
By: Ashok Nalam | 10 Feb 2014 | SQL Server | Views: 6151 | Comments: 0 | Tags:SQL Server 2012  string  tsql 
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